After a student spends some time in Chalk Pastel and Charcoal, we usually recommend they begin learning Acrylic, which is a versatile painting medium. Acrylic paint is quick drying, so its application is different from other mediums. Students will learn how to apply, layer, and blend this medium.
Acrylic paint is a great medium for any artist, especially beginners looking to get into painting. The fast-drying nature of Acrylic allows the artist to easily reapply or make changes to their masterpiece as they create it. As with any medium, learning to properly apply the paint and use the brushes is essential to creating your picture as you imagine it.
After you have used acrylic to create a few subject types, you will have several tools in your toolbox: Chalk Pastel, Charcoal, and Acrylic. At this juncture, we recommend you ask one of your teachers at Artfully Yours where you can move to next as it depends on your age, overall experience, and preferences thus far. By continuing to expand your toolbox of mediums, you gain more experience to enable you to decide which medium is best suited for the artwork you wish to create as well as determining which ones you enjoy the most.